
Support Wikipedia

Dear Cino Wang,

Thank you for your gift of EUR 5.00 to the Wikimedia Foundation, received on 2011-11-17. I’m very grateful for your support.

Your donation celebrates everything Wikipedia stands for: the power of information to help people live better lives, and the importance of sharing, freedom, learning and discovery. Thank you so much for helping to keep Wikipedia freely available for its 364 million readers around the world.

These funds support technology and people. The Wikimedia Foundation develops and improves the technology behind Wikipedia, and sustains the infrastructure that keeps it up and running. The foundation has a staff of less then a hundred, which provides technical, administrative, legal and outreach support for the global community of volunteers who write and edit Wikipedia.

Many people love Wikipedia, but a surprising number don’t know it’s run by a non-profit. Please help us spread the word by telling a few of your friends.

And again, thank you for supporting free knowledge.

Sincerely Yours,

Sue Gardner
Executive Director

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